Aviation Fanatic - Free online aviation encyclopedia and pilot logbook

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About Aviation Fanatic


Aviation Fanatic is a free, non-commercial, ad-free website dedicated to aviation enthusiasts.


Aviation Fanatic is created and maintained by Bálint Tóth. I am interested both in programming and aviation, so this website is where my two hobbies meet. I am a PPL pilot with very modest (~200 hours) flying experience.

Aviation data sources

As far as I know, all data provided at Aviation Fanatic is publicly available for free.
The following resources proved to be quite helpful:
  Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
  Aircraft manufacturer companies' own websites
  Aircraft registers from civil aviation authorities' websites and www.aeroreg.co.uk
  Aviation Book Database at AeroFlight.co.uk
  Airport database at OurAirports.com
  Aircraft type pictures at doc8643.com
  ICAO, FAA and GAMA websites
  Hungary-related data at www.hungaryairport.hu and www.avia-info.hu
  Publicly available air museum and aeroclub listings at various websites

Some commercial aviation books were consulted in a limited way to cross-check and extend publicly available data.
The following books are recommended for further data:
  Aviation Factfiles series
  Jane's All The World's Aircraft

Technology background

Aviation Fanatic is developed using HTML5, CSS, PHP and MySQL, while SQL bulk data converter was written in Excel VBA. It is my very first attempt at programming a dynamic website. Programming is purely a hobby activity for me.
The following resources proved to be quite helpful:

    XAMPP for Windows
    MySQL Workbench CE
    Programmers's Notepad

    application icons were taken from famfamfam.com

    Head First PHP and MySQL [O'Reilly, 2009]
    Head First HTML with CSS XHTML [O'Reilly, 2006]
    PHP Cookbook [O'Reilly, 2002]
    PHP and MySQL For Dummies, 3rd Edition [2006]
    Excel 2007 VBA Programming For Dummies [2007]

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