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Found 12 matching entries from the total of 2 552 (show picture gallery)
# | ID
Base Airport |
# of related user comments |
# of related pictures |
1 | 717 | Aero Club Coburg | Germany | ||||||
2 | 718 | Aero Club Dachau e.V. | Germany | ||||||
3 | 719 | Aero Club Pirmasens | Germany | ||||||
4 | 720 | BW Sportflieger Gemeinschaft Fürstenfeldbruck e.V. | Germany | ||||||
5 | 721 | Diamond Aircraft Service | Germany | ||||||
6 | 722 | Flugservice Sömmerda GbmH | Germany | ||||||
7 | 723 | Flugsportverein Schameder-Wittgenstein e.V. | Germany | ||||||
8 | 724 | Flugsportvereinigun Celle e.V. | Germany | ||||||
9 | 725 | Luftsportclub Babenhausen e.V. | Germany | ||||||
10 | 726 | RheinMain Flight Center GmbH | Germany | ||||||
11 | 727 | Sportfluggruppe Leck | Germany | ||||||
12 | 728 | Sportfluggruppe Nordholz/Cuxhaven | Germany | ||||||
0 | 0 |