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Website and database statistics

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Number of database entries
Aircraft type statistics by various categories
Aircraft register statistics by country and category
Aircraft register statistics by year of manufacturing
Total number of aircraft built by year of first flight
Passenger statistics (top countries)
Aircraft manufacturer statistics (Top 5 countries)
Airport statistics (Top 5 countries)
Aeroclub statistics (Top countries in DB)
Airline statistics (Top 5 countries)
Air Show statistics (Top 5 countries)
Air Race statistics (Top 3 countries)
Air Museum statistics (Top 5 countries)
Aviator statistics (Top 5 countries)
Aviation book statistics (Top 5 countries)

Number of database entries

Total with pictures with info
with home
page link
with geolocation
Total number of Manufacturers: 1 941 1 321 (total 5 248 pictures) 786 284
Total number of Aircraft Types: 6 837 4 683 (total 5 220 pictures) 5 053
Total number of Aircraft: 155 918 151 (total 177 pictures)
Total number of Engines: 4 264 91 (total 91 pictures) 121
Total number of Airports: 45 431 3 906 (total 4 018 pictures) 13 164 3 814 41 730
Total number of Aeroclubs: 2 552 2 (total 4 pictures) 475
Total number of Airlines: 3 835 2 098 (total 2 139 pictures) 3 768 2 516
Total number of Air Shows: 78 45 (total 50 pictures) 56 51 70
Total number of Air Races: 30 16 (total 16 pictures) 25 6
Total number of Air Museums: 840 139 (total 450 pictures) 359 309 378
Total number of Aviators: 798 522 (total 523 pictures) 788
Total number of Countries: 251 250 250
Total number of Links: 34 0 (total 0 pictures)
Total number of Films: 715 715
Total number of Books: 14 517
Total number of Terms: 1 030 692
Total number of Comments: 93
Total number of Pictures: 12 156
Total number of Collections: 2 164 (#47)
Total number of all database entries: 253 484 25 777 7 455 42 428

Aircraft type statistics by various categories

Category code # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
Balloon 45 118 6 819
Amphibian 127 7 229 437
Gyrocopter 86 679 585
Helicopter 452 126 669 11 910
Landplane 5 839 2 043 945 126 603
Seaplane 281 23 683 13
Tilt-wing 6 205
_unknown_ 1 9 551
Total 6 837 2 202 528 155 918
Role code # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
Balloon 45 118 6 819
Glider 238 75 016 14 168
Motor-Glider 87 3 962 1 753
Ultralight 305 44 674 13 081
General Aviation 2 575 608 050 71 645
Business Jet 147 19 980 3 456
Agricultural 101 11 238 1 487
Passenger Airliner 604 107 703 17 793
Cargo Airliner 33 610 35
Helicopter 391 97 604 11 833
Fighter 669 559 941 387
Bomber 341 280 448 64
Interceptor 27 8 664
Reconnaissance 383 90 607 244
Military Cargo 81 13 105 139
Military Trainer 339 148 208 2 888
Military Helicopter 70 30 104 77
Military Refueler 12 2 061
Other military 155 100 435 244
_unknown_ 234 9 805
Total 6 837 2 202 528 155 918
Engine type code # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
No engine 256 75 016 20 979
Piston 4 864 1 713 808 95 367
Turboprop 828 141 973 14 637
Jet 860 271 251 15 195
Electric 16 87 31
Rocket 10 393
_unknown_ 3 9 709
Total 6 837 2 202 528 155 918
# of engines # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
0 256 75 016 20 979
1 4 642 1 543 394 96 883
2 1 507 478 430 25 965
3 122 17 981 632
4 278 84 500 1 730
5 7 9 1
6 15 2 063
8 4 748
10 1 384
12 1 3
_unknown_ 4 9 728
Total 6 837 2 202 528 155 918
Wake turbulance category code # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
Light 5 576 1 638 965 122 680
Medium 1 013 463 682 14 028
Heavy 121 16 719 2 953
_unknown_ 127 83 162 16 257
Total 6 837 2 202 528 155 918
# of seats (including pilots) # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
1 1 526 626 173 19 862
2 2 251 683 196 40 456
3 337 123 142 2 134
4 520 259 459 32 168
5 185 50 242 3 492
6 303 131 045 10 343
7 85 38 082 1 731
8 126 22 479 2 538
9 70 24 883 1 941
10 104 43 127 1 266
_unknown_ 620 2 988 19 743
Total 6 127 2 004 816 135 674
Manufacturer country # of aircraft
types in DB
Total # of aircraft
built (in DB)
# of aircraft
in DB
United States 2 088 1 041 971 67 476
Russian Federation 304 352 269 1 112
United Kingdom 839 250 328 11 825
Germany 654 192 516 16 704
France 762 104 687 20 687
Japan 94 63 170 176
Italy 333 33 668 2 013
Ukraine 46 24 879 2 114
Canada 200 24 243 5 960
Czech Republic 183 19 344 2 212
China 80 12 642 79
Poland 131 10 993 1 331
Netherlands 96 9 279 625
Australia 79 9 192 1 097
Brazil 93 8 176 951
Austria 29 5 114 1 443
Sweden 29 4 535 395
Switzerland 60 4 830 826
Spain 63 2 316 835
Romania 45 1 726 178
India 33 1 638 243
Belgium 35 1 402 927
Slovakia 7 1 114 170
Argentina 53 1 042 10
Slovenia 10 931 40
Finland 40 859 225
Serbia 12 733 12
New Zealand 17 662 536
Pakistan 2 591
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8 545 2
South Africa 31 428 30
Malaysia 3 361
Israel 18 361 25
Korea, Republic of 17 275
Taiwan, Republic of China 8 193
Denmark 5 169 48
Chile 8 154
Singapore 3 150
Colombia 53 140 3
Lithuania 20 111 173
Norway 13 83
Turkey 12 81
Bulgaria 10 67
Iran, Islamic Republic of 19 51
Latvia 8 27
Mexico 4 12
Thailand 3 12
Peru 1 12
Estonia 2 9
Indonesia 23 4
Philippines 12 1
Egypt 6
Portugal 4
Jordan 2
Viet Nam 2 1
Algeria 1
Greece 1
Nigeria 1
Ethiopia 1
Georgia 1
United Arab Emirates 1
_unknown_ 69 12 756 15 262
Hungary 50 1 676 172
Total 6 837 2 202 528 155 918

Number of countries with at least one aircraft manufacturer: 64

Aircraft register statistics by country and category

Registering country Engine type code Total
No engine Piston Turboprop Jet Electric Rocket _unknown_
Canada 993 25 063 3 452 1 081 3 755 34 344
United Kingdom 7 706 14 315 1 228 1 346 3 1 189 25 787
Germany 3 050 12 067 1 074 1 215 28 1 137 18 571
France 1 228 12 516 1 414 947 772 16 877
Australia 1 268 10 164 1 420 566 799 14 217
New Zealand 448 3 304 620 107 407 4 886
Belgium 1 217 2 239 177 226 264 4 123
Spain 614 2 165 617 574 112 4 082
Switzerland 925 1 847 458 311 107 3 648
Netherlands 1 188 1 183 139 291 195 2 996
Denmark 624 1 349 246 233 59 2 511
Russian Federation 1 1 390 233 516 3 2 143
China 2 192 99 1 799 3 2 095
Sweden 147 949 181 139 101 1 517
Brazil 6 145 602 743 10 1 506
Austria 17 878 179 351 70 1 495
India 132 369 333 451 204 1 489
Finland 255 806 66 130 63 1 320
Italy 48 525 305 318 80 1 276
Ireland 22 349 60 690 88 1 209
South Africa 49 384 395 326 25 1 179
Poland 103 522 103 67 35 830
Japan 47 40 135 566 1 789
Portugal 23 288 34 302 44 691
Norway 37 252 159 186 39 673
Lithuania 132 389 57 24 52 654
Indonesia 35 141 417 1 594
Czech Republic 167 192 85 80 17 541
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 110 217 137 2 466
United Arab Emirates 10 32 369 1 412
Iceland 27 256 32 52 14 381
Greece 5 64 62 138 269
Pakistan 11 88 32 82 13 226
Taiwan, Republic of China 5 43 166 214
Morocco 2 46 42 85 175
Estonia 19 73 25 42 12 171
Slovakia 20 74 25 35 2 156
Hungary 446 724 115 87 33 1 405
Total 20 979 95 367 14 637 15 195 31 0 9 709 155 918

Number of countries with registered aircraft in the database: 38
(Note: Some countries' data includes balloon and UL aircraft, others not.)

Aircraft register statistics by year of manufacturing

Number of aircraft in the database with known manufacturing date: 83 028

Total number of aircraft built by year of first flight

Number of aircraft types in the database with known total builds and first flight dates: 3 603
(The graph shows NOT the number of aircraft built in that year, but the total number of aircraft built for which the type was first flown in that year!)

Passenger statistics (top countries)

Country Total
United States 1 768 636 778
China 1 231 008 905
Japan 315 570 897
India 310 217 253
United Kingdom 292 582 913
Spain 260 677 138
Germany 246 079 468
Indonesia 236 983 263
Brazil 201 269 830
Turkey 198 241 143
Russian Federation 196 796 801
France 192 931 978
Italy 184 332 284
Thailand 164 131 415
Australia 157 215 759
Canada 155 527 961
Mexico 148 525 941
Korea, Republic of 145 607 817
United Arab Emirates 124 275 536
Malaysia 100 082 807
Viet Nam 96 013 512
Netherlands 79 416 645
Philippines 79 112 840
Hong Kong 74 517 402
Hungary 15 338 812
Total 8 609 204 881

(Sum of all the airports' passenger totals of the country, if passenger data exists.)

Aircraft manufacturer statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United States 709
France 193
Germany 147
United Kingdom 140
Canada 80
Hungary 20

Airport statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United States 20 792
Canada 1 955
Germany 953
France 834
Argentina 786
Hungary 83

Aeroclub statistics (Top countries in DB)

Country Total
United States 1 511
Australia 430
France 109
United Kingdom 74
Canada 47
Hungary 170

Airline statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United States 346
United Kingdom 126
Canada 102
Russian Federation 101
Germany 67
Hungary 45

Air Show statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United States 27
United Kingdom 13
Canada 5
Germany 3
Hungary 1

Air Race statistics (Top 3 countries)

Country Total
United States 11
United Kingdom 6
France 2

Air Museum statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United States 322
United Kingdom 75
Germany 52
Canada 35
Australia 29
Hungary 6

Aviator statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United States 239
United Kingdom 141
France 91
Germany 73
Russian Federation 26
Hungary 21

Aviation book statistics (Top 5 countries)

Country Total
United Kingdom 5 967
United States 1 352
Germany 432
Japan 400
Italy 224
Hungary 8

Note: Links are counted in the Links section only.
Soviet-built aircraft is categorized under the successor country of the main manufacturing facility (Russia, Ukraine, etc.).